Friday, November 25, 2011

For the frugal fashionistas

I interned for a parenting magazine during college for two semesters. The editor of the magazine is a kind woman who I was honored to get to know. On my last day she took me out to eat.

While we were out she complimented the way I dressed and called it "classy." I remember because my college adviser had just mentioned a few weeks prior that because I dress professionally, people will take me more seriously.

I remember laughing and telling her that both shirts I had on were shirts I've owned for at least three years.

She asked me if I'm frugal.

Why, yes, yes I am.

It's something I'm quite proud of actually, just something I don't refer to myself as too often. I rarely get rid of clothing because I wear it for years. I layer. A lot.

I wear shirts under shirts, sweaters over shirts, belts to make shirts look different ... there are so many ways to make the same piece of clothing look completely different.

Today, for example, I'm wearing a long tank top that and a three-quarter T-shirt I've had for years. Over both shirts, for the first time, I'm wearing a small sweater. The sweater and tank top are black while the shirt is white, the contrast works perfectly.

When I buy new clothes, I buy something that I know will last me for a long time. When solid-colored long-sleeve shirts or tank tops go on sale I leap! They can be used for almost every outfit.

If you wear a black shirt under a sweater one week, then wear a blue shirt under the same sweater the next week, people are going to think it's new. Colors are fun to play with, so don't be afraid to buy two of the same shirts in different colors! Especially if it's a good deal!

Stay frugal, fashionistas!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Flat Fashion

I'm short. Without shoes I stand at 5'0" even. Yep, short.

Therefore, heels have become my really good friends. I wear them every day to work. I have black heels, pink heels, white heels, brown heels, black boots with heels, gray boots with heels ... I could keep going.

Now of course, I don't wear them solely because of the height.  I like them. I enjoy wearing them, when I'm not standing for four or more hours at a time.

No heels?

I went to the doctor earlier this week because of a pain I had in the ball of my foot. And what I feared came true ... I was forbidden from wearing high heels.

I went to work, without heels on, and heard over and over phrases such as "wow, you're short!" or "I never noticed how little you are!"

Not wearing heels to work just doesn't feel write. I'm a journalist. I'm a professional. I need to go out to interview people and impress them with the way I look, and I like having the heels there to assist with making that impression.
Diablo Pilot boot

So I wore moccasins one day and tennis shoes the next. Now it's Friday and I've already given in.

I'm wearing my brown Diablo Pilot boots that I bought from DSW in September.

They have a small heel so I'm justifying it.

I feel much better with my extra height boost.

Flats just aren't for me.

Despite my lack of listening to the doctor in reference to not wearing heels, you shouldn't ever risk your health or well-being for fashion. I'm wearing a pad on the bottom of my foot to comfort the injured area. And I'll still be taking breaks from heels occasionally.

TIP: If you like accessories like I do, I always try to coordinate my jewelry with my shoes. Even when it's something so minor that only a fellow fashionista would notice, I still like it. With my Diablo Pilot boots I wear bracelets and earrings that match the buckle on the boot. You can buy good jewelry at cheap prices at places like Kohl's or Target. They usually have decent sales.

Keep it fancy, fashionistas!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Fashionista

What is a fashionista? I would say someone who is immensely interested in, perhaps devoted to, fashion.

I love fashion - shoes, sweaters, shirts, dresses, skirts, accessories ... you name it, I like it. I don't spend a lot. I look for deals and I keep my clothes for a very long time.

For those of you who follow my other blog here, "A Day in the Life of a Journalist," this one will be different. This will be fun and flirty! I'll include pictures of my favorite shoes, purses I wish I could afford and hideous clothes I find throughout my days.

It'll be about men and women alike, those who dress well and those who ... well, don't. 

This is a blog I've thought about starting for awhile now, but this week I was inspired to do it.

So, keep checking back! It'll be a fun read each time I post, I promise! And please, send me pictures or links of your favorite outfits or some crazy outfits you've seen lately!

Until next time,

Fashionista Erica