Friday, December 30, 2011

For the trend-setting fashionistas

I did a blog yesterday about the top 10 fashion trends in 2011.

Anyone who knows me well, or has known me for a long time, is well-aware that I go out of the box with my outfits. In high school I was known for the crazy layers I always had. 

It's progressed now to a different level. I love to combine classy-looking clothing with modern accessories and the modern clothing with classy accessories. 

Since it has turned winter, I've started a new trend of my own that I previously haven't done. 

As I said, I've always loved layers. Instead of shirts though, which is what I used to layer in high school, I layer my socks, boots and leggings.

Yes, I took a picture of my socks and boots at work.
Almost every day I wear a dress or tunic to work with leggings/tights and boots (as mentioned in the top 10 blog and other previous posts, I'm obsessed with boots). 

So today, it's black leggings with gray socks and black boots. Yesterday it was dark brown leggings with light and dark plaid socks and brown boots. If I'm wearing a solid color dress/tunic, I wear plaid socks. However, my dress today has a pattern, hence the solid colored socks. 

This has become my main outfit this season. 

I plan to continue it into the new year and beyond. Maybe I'll pull out a twist on it for the spring and summer seasons.

If you have some tall socks laying around, try the outfit idea out and see how you like it! Just because I enjoy it doesn't mean everyone else will, but I hope it sparks a light bulb in your brain to start your own trend. Not following in the spotlight trends can be really fun!

"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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